Often when you’re working for a company, they preset things in order to prevent you spoiling the machine for others to use..
This often includes things like screen savers, desktop wallpapers and power setting.
This doesn’t include user privilege settings. As an Oracle Administrator I require administrator access, however, having to reset everything each time I log in.
This is a little script that you can try and put in your settings back to what you want.
Rem Firstly we wait for other things to complete., but remove it if you like
Rem The following lines manipulate the default mount points to what I want.
ping -n 1 -w 10000
net use g: /delete
ping -n 1 -w 3000
net use g: \\dom1.net\Root0Drive /p:yes
net use s: \\dom1.net\GB539user$ \MyDocs /p:yes
Rem I took the time to create a power plan but kept losing it so I saved it and use the
Rem next line to reset it.
powercfg -setactive 4f871d8c-1b18-4933-a841-00dbf4d9c491
Rem The next line imports a file of settings into the registry
Rem however it sbetter just to list the entries in this file.
rem regedit /s "h:\my bits\jhSSreg1.reg"
Rem To prevent the screensaver coming on and unlock the visual options.
@echo off
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" /V "ScreenSaverIsSecure" /D "0" /F
@echo off
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\POLICIES\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop" /V "ScreenSaveTimeOut" /D "10000" /F
Rem The following set the default home page on 3 different web browsers
@echo off
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\INTERNET EXPLORER\MAIN" /V "START PAGE" /D "http://home.intranet.eon.com/ebs/en.html" /F
@echo off
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\GOOGLE CHROME\MAIN" /V "START PAGE" /D "http://home.intranet.eon.com/ebs/en.html" /F
@echo off
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\MOZILLA FIREFOX\MAIN" /V "START PAGE" /D "http://home.intranet.eon.com/ebs/en.html" /F
Place all of the entries into a file with the BAT suffix and add it into the Startup directory on the Start menu.
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