Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ORA-28031: maximum enabled roles exceeded

So this is what I got…..


ORA-28031: maximum of 150 enabled roles exceeded

ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_RECOMP", line 865


I checked the parameter….


Show parameter max_enabled_roles

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

max_enabled_roles                    integer     150


But if you try to increase this, it won’t work.


SQL> alter system set max_enabled_roles = 200 scope = spfile;

alter system set max_enabled_roles = 200 scope = spfile


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00068: invalid value 200 for parameter max_enabled_roles, must be between 1 and 148


Which is curious because its already set to 150 regardless of what the message says.


So I had to find out which users were to blame


select "Grantee", count(*) "Role Number" from
(select distinct connect_by_root grantee "Grantee", granted_role
from dba_role_privs
connect by prior granted_role=grantee)
group by "Grantee"
having count(*)>=148
order by count(*),"Grantee","Role Number"

and then revoke some roles to bring the number down.




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